Applications open for Waiheke Marina Maritime Trust funding

18 July 2024
Waiheke Marina is pleased to announce that the first round of grants from the Maritime Trust will be made this year to coincide with the anniversary of the opening of the Marina in November 2024.

With input from the fund manager, Auckland Foundation,  the trust administrators have determined that $20,000 will be available for distribution as grants this year.

Eligibility for grants is limited to environmental projects designed to preserve and protect flora and fauna associated with the marine environment of Waiheke Island, and for maritime education initiatives by or for the benefit of the residents and mana whenua of Waiheke Island, including for:

  • Maritime environmental protection.
  • Water safety and skills training, including swimming skills.
  • Sailing and related courses.
  • Maritime related study, including in relation to the coastal environment of Waiheke Island.

For resident groups, mana whenua or individuals interested in applying for a grant from the fund, the application can be made here.

Applications for grants must be received by 31 August 2024.  Successful applicants will be advised by 30 September 2024, with grants being paid out in October. 

Keen to apply? Make a start using this link.

Find out more about the Maritime Trust by using this link