1. Contractor Health and Safety Induction
Waiheke Marina has a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to ensure that any action or inaction of employees, contractors or visitors to the marina does not risk the health or safety of themselves or others in the vicinity whilst at the marina.
Waiheke Marina has made a commitment to ensure all contractors conducting any work at the marina are made aware of their obligations to comply with all relevant legislation, acts, policies & procedures.
Through this site-specific induction process, we outline your responsibilities and obligations to ensure all work conducted onsite by yourself or your employees conforms to industry best practice. There is no place for anyone taking short cuts or unnecessary risk at this marina. The management of Waiheke Marina reserves the right to refuse entry to any contractor who does not fully comply with the requirements set out in this document.
2. Contractor Registration
Waiheke Marina requires all contractors to register prior to commencing work at the marina, even if your services are arranged directly through the boat owner.
With changes to workplace Health and Safety legislation the marina is required to ensure all contractors are aware of their obligations pertaining to workplace health and safety and conduct their work in a safe manner which does not cause nuisance or potentially affect the health and safety of themselves or others in the vicinity of their work.
Only legitimate businesses with adequate insurance cover will be permitted to provide contractor services at this marina.
It is important that each employee of your business understands their responsibilities and obligations pertaining to workplace health and safety and completes an individual site-specific induction.
Once this document is read and understood with the registration form completed and submitted with all the required information provided and approved, you will receive notification as an approved contractor from the marina office.
3. Insurance certificates
To complete the contractor induction, registration and approval process, companies must provide the following Certificates of Currency to the marina office…
- Public Liability Insurance
- Ship Repairers Liability Insurance (where applicable)
Applicants should scan and email current copies to office@wimarina.co.nz with “Contractor Registration and the name of the business” in the subject line
Note: If you have already provided your insurance certificates previously please do not resend. We will be in touch if we require updated certificates.
4. Marina Contacts and Hours of Business
Waiheke Marina Office Hours are 9:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, and 9:00am – 12:00pm Saturday. Any contractor wishing to work outside of these hours, or on weekends, shall be by prior arrangement only.
Marina Office Ph. 09 200 2870
VHF Channel 73
Email office@wimarina.co.nz
5. Contractor Rights of Access
Waiheke Marina is private property and reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to reject or withdraw the privilege of entry or provision of services from our facility from any person or company at any time.
6. Conduct
Contractors must at all times conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. Loud, coarse or abusive language and music that is not acceptable to management will not be tolerated. To ensure your personal safety the use of personal music devices with headphones is prohibited.
7. Smoking Policy
Please observe the “No Smoking” signs. Smoking is not permitted within 3 metres of any buildings, on the marina piers or the fuel jetty at any time. Always be considerate of non-smokers at this marina.
8. Drug and Alcohol Policy
The consumption of alcohol in public areas of the marina is prohibited. Contractors shall not be under the influence of alcohol or restricted drugs whilst at work. Anyone found to be impaired or under the influence may be asked to leave the property.
9. Advertising or Soliciting
Contractors are prohibited from touting for business or distributing advertising pamphlets, business cards or samples whilst at this marina. Any person found in breach may have their approved contractor status terminated and future access denied.
10. Motor Vehicles, Access and Traffic Control
The marina is a busy recreational facility with many small children that may not be under the direct supervision of an adult, please drive to the conditions.
The marina internal access roads and car park areas are potentially hazardous areas, please keep your speed down and keep an eye out for pedestrians and small children.
Treat all areas as a shared zone & drive defensively
Max. Speed Limit 10 Km/hr
Never assume that you have been seen, keep safe – keep clear!
11. Car Parking and Parking Permits
Always observe the posted signs when parking vehicles on marina property.
Berth holder car parks are defined by painted yellow lines and are only available to contractors during normal business hours Monday to Friday for the purpose of carrying out contracted work. Vehicles displaying Contractor Passes found in these carparks on weekends and public holidays may be towed without notice to ensure adequate carparks are available for berth holders.
12. Housekeeping
Contractors and any person working on the marina must ensure the immediate area surrounding their work site is kept clean and tidy at all times. Contractors must ensure that all wastes generated during boat maintenance activities are captured, contained and disposed of appropriately. You are ultimately responsible for maintaining your individual worksite.
No maintenance activities shall be undertaken where the activity is likely to impact on the health and safety of others in the vicinity or affect the coastal marine environment.
Work areas must be contained, kept clean and tidy at all times with prompt removal of rubbish and debris. The focus is on containment and capture of all contaminants at the source.
The storage of any chemicals, paints, fluids or other plant or equipment under any boat on the boatyard is not permitted.
13. Environmental Considerations
Any work undertaken at Waiheke Marina that has the potential to pollute the environment must be safeguarded against.
It is the contractors’ responsibility to determine whether or not the activities that they undertake could result in a pollution incident.
Any contractor found in breach of the relevant environmental legislation requirements will be denied further access and any penalties incurred as a result will be recovered from the contractor.
14. Guidelines to working on a vessel in the marina basin
This guideline is designed to provide a basic guide to you as a contractor as to what “minor maintenance” works are deemed acceptable when working on a vessel within the marina:
If you are unsure the proposed works are appropriate or permitted, it is essential that you contact the Marina office and the office staff will happily guide you. In general terms maintenance works should be conducted from within the confines of the vessel and should not be undertaken on the walkway or finger pier of any berth.
16a. Minor maintenance allowed
Only minor maintenance is to be undertaken in the marina and includes work such as:
- Engine servicing/oil change
- Boat cleaning/polishing
- Air-conditioning repair or servicing
- Electrical or plumbing repairs
- Brush painting only during calm weather conditions to a total area of less than 3 square metres
- External power sanding may only be conducted with a suitable extraction device (manufacturer attached) and or hand sanding only on a small area of not more than 3 square metres in total, and not for a total period in excess of more than 30 minutes.
(This list is a sample only of items that could be completed)
16b. Prohibited work
Work generally prohibited on vessels in the marina basin:
- Sand or grit blasting
- Spray painting
- Complete tenting of a vessel
- Hot Work including welding or grinding
- Major laminate or major fibreglass repairs
These types of repairs should be conducted on the boatyard, management have the right to stop any works deemed unacceptable and direct the vessel to be hauled out.
16c. Prohibited Actions
- Materials cannot be stored on the marina walkway or finger piers
- No materials or substances created from repair or maintenance activities are to be allowed to enter the marine environment (including dust)
- There is to be no dumping of large items of unwanted hardware in the rubbish bins. If you have large items to dispose of please contact the Marina office.
- Trolleys should not be used to carry/transport oils, paints, resins, epoxies without suitable protection from spills such as a liner
The Marina may stop any works it deems not of a minor nature or is interfering unreasonably with other users of the marina or does not comply with marina policy.
Activities requiring prior approvals:
- Diving Operations
- Crane Operations
- Helicopter Operations
- Drone Operations
17. Diving in the marina
WorkSafe NZ classifies the marina as a workplace, therefore recreational swimming or diving is not a permitted activity in the marina.
Diving within a marina basin is a high risk activity which requires specific control measures to ensure the divers’ safety at all times. Marinas also have strict environmental policies to protect the waterways, please take the time to understand and abide by these requirements at all times…
- Diving in the marina is notifiable, always check in and consult with marina management before diving in the marina.
- Beware of the dangers of stray electrical current from shore power. The marina policy is to isolate power on the pier whilst diving operations take place.
- No activity shall be undertaken which visibly discolours the water or discharges pollutants into the marina at any time.
- Ensure relevant signage/flags are used on the pier to indicate divers are working (use lookouts).
- Divers must be accompanied by team members and must be tendered by a trained line attendant (a stand by diver should be available).
- No diver shall work alone as defined in the OSH Occupational Diving Regulations 2004.
Avoid in-water bottom cleaning or hull scraping or any process that occurs underwater to remove antifouling points from the boat hull. While this is a popular practice for racing sailboats prior to a race to reduce drag, it makes it impossible to capture and treat what’s cleaned from the boots hull, which impacts on the health of the marina water quality.
18. Safety matters
By far, the safety of our people, contractors and visitors to the marina is our primary concern. The creation and maintenance of a safe work environment must be regarded as everyone’s number one priority.
The prevention of personal injuries through the safe performance of your work and the provision of a safe work environment is essential. It is the direct responsibility of Skippers and Contractor’s to review, analyse risk and manage for accident prevention by safeguarding operational hazards and providing adequate training to ensure tasks are performed safely.
19. Contractor Responsibilities
All persons entering Waiheke Marina including contractors, subcontractors and boat owners shall comply with all Marina policies and procedures including but not limited to Marina Rules and Regulations, the Marina Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Best Management Practices (BMP’s).
Contractors must ensure that staff and any other person engaged are suitably trained for the task to be performed and provided adequate training in Health and Safety and are supplied with appropriate safety equipment including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which its employees and others will use at appropriate times.
The contractor is responsible for all acts and omissions of his or her employees, agent, subcontractors and their employees whilst on Waiheke Marina property.
20. Accidents, Incidents or Near Miss Reporting
Any accident, incident or near miss that results in potential or actual property damage or injury, or threatens environmental harm, must be reported immediately to the marina office. Any person requiring first aid treatment must be reported to the marina office as soon as practicable.
21. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Contractors are responsible for their own personal safety…
Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing, including closed footwear, must be worn and used at all times.
A safety harness with current certification attached to an appropriate strong point shall be used when working at height.
22. Hazard Management
You shall inform marina management of any hazards that are being brought onsite or created at the Marina.
Skippers and contractors shall be responsible for listing and keeping a register of all hazardous substances that are brought onto Waiheke Marina property. The list shall identify the name and quantity of the substance in addition to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). A copy of the MSDS must be available upon request by management. The contractor must be familiar with the correct procedure and precautions using the substance, including the use of PPE and understand the first aid and control measures required as described in the MSDS.
Marina management must be advised immediately of any new hazard created and you must take all practicable steps to avoid harm being caused to any person as a result of such hazard. Everyone must comply with the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act, regulations and their requirements.
23. Safe Work Method Statements
Contractors have a responsibility to complete and document a task analysis before starting work, commonly known as a “Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)” or “Job Safety Analysis (JSA)”. These documents list the types of high risk work being done.
They should also state the health and safety hazards and risks arising from that work. These documents should also describe how the risks will be controlled and describe how the risk control measures will be put in place.
24. Rubbish and Recycle Bins
Please be respectful of our environment.
Rubbish Bins are located throughout the Marina for general boat waste. No Household Rubbish is permitted.
Recycle Bins are available around the marina and a Recycle Centre for waste oil is located on the Boatyard, at The Landing.
25. Disposal of Waste Oil
Hazardous substances such as oil/bilge water can be disposed of at the waste oil containers which are located on the Boatyard at The Landing. Such materials must NEVER be tipped into the hardstand rubbish bins or drains.
Unused and unwanted paint and thinners should be returned to where you purchased the items from, or to the local Transfer Stations (up to a maximum of 20 litres).
26. Hazardous Substances
Many chemicals and other substances used or produced in the workplace can damage your health. A large number of people in a wide range of jobs may be exposed to them. Hazardous substances include chemicals, poisons, explosives and flammable substances. Exposure can happen by breathing them in, through contact with the skin, by splashing, or by swallowing them from unwashed hands. If exposure isn’t prevented, or properly controlled, it can cause serious illness, including cancer, asthma and dermatitis and sometimes even death.
The contractor shall be responsible for listing and keeping a register of all hazardous substances that are brought onto the marina property. The list shall identify the name and quantity of the substance in addition to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
A copy of the MSDS must be available on site & upon request by management or WorkSafe NZ. The contractor must be familiar with the correct procedure and precautions using the substance, including the use of PPE and understand the first aid and control measures required as described in the material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
27. Working at Height
All works at height shall be undertaken with the highest regard to personal safety. Any work platform must conform to the relevant standards.
Whilst you cannot avoid working at height on boats, you must take all practicable steps to ensure your safety and the safety of those working around you.
Risk assess before commencement and use staging appropriate to the work being conducted, do not work from a ladder.
Falling off a boat will always result in SERIOUS HARM, so PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.
Secure your ladder and scaffold correctly, make sure the area below your work platform is clear of any obstacles. Keep your deck clear of tools to eliminate tripping hazards.
A safety harness with current certification attached to an appropriate strong point shall be used when working at height.
28. Safe Use of Ladders
Falls from three metres or less off boats and from ladders account for most of the serious harm accidents reported. Ladders must not be used as a working platform.
WorkSafe New Zealand’s ‘Preventing Falls from Height’ campaign aims to reduce harm by raising awareness about the safe use of ladders and working safely on boats.
- Ladders should only be used for access or egress, do not use ladders as work platforms.
- Make sure the ladder extends at least one metre above the boat’s deck and is properly secured.
- Ensure the ladder is set up on a firm footing and secure the ladder at the top.
- Always setup and use ladders at a safe angle, ‘four up and one out.’
- You should always maintain a minimum of 3 points of contact whilst using ladders.
29. Temporary Work Platforms and Scaffolds
Temporary Work Platforms (TWP) are frequently used and include any scaffolding, trestles, folding & step up platforms. They are most often used for work under 5m. All platforms must have a guardrail in place where there is risk of a fall from height. Ensure all persons using TWP’s are trained in selecting the correct type for the job and demonstrate knowledge of the safe use of these work platforms.
Scaffolding is the most common type of TWP for working at height. All scaffolding must have guardrails, including mid-rails and toe boards, on the exposed sides and at the ends of all working platforms, regardless of height. Ensure the minimum width of the working platform is no less than 675mm. Scaffolding must be erected, altered and dismantled by competent persons. If the highest component of any scaffold exceeds 5m in height, then the scaffold must be erected by a certified scaffolder.
For further information please consult the WorkSafe NZ publications ‘Temporary Work Platforms Fact Sheet #5’ & ‘The Good Practice Guide for Scaffolding’.
30. Electric Power Tools and Leads
Electricity and water are a lethal combination. All power supply outlets on the marina are protected by a Residual Current Device (RCD). Always test the RCD using the integral test button feature before use. If a fault exists do not use and contact the marina office immediately.
All contractors’ power tools and leads must be Tested & Tagged to ASNZS: 3760 before being used at the marina.
No power tool or machinery is to be used without effective guarding and must be switched off at the point of supply and removed when not in use. Extra care must be exercised during and immediately following periods of rainfall.
Extension leads must be kept as short as possible and must be located and protected in such a manner as to prevent damage from vehicular traffic, equipment such as staging and water ingress.
Extension leads with taped repairs or joints are not acceptable.
31. Confined Space or Working Alone on Boats
Those working in confined places in which noxious gases, flammable liquids, vapours, or any other harmful substance or matter are present, must ensure that they have adequate ventilation and appropriate respiratory protective devices. They must also appoint a person outside the confined space to ensure the provision of communication, support and rescue services to the person within the confined space.
When working alone on a boat always make sure you have established a buddy system and contacted a support person giving details of where you are working and expected time you shall call back once you have completed the task. Make sure they call emergency services if they cannot contact you at the given time, your life might depend on that call.
32. Hot Work Permits
Hot work is any process that can be a source of ignition when flammable material is present or can be a fire hazard regardless of the presence of flammable material in the workplace. Common hot work processes include the use of heat generating tools when welding, heating, cutting or grinding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals aboard boats in the marina.
Hot Work Permits are issued to ensure basic safety precautions are taken to prevent fire or damage to the boat being worked on or boats nearby. Hot Work Permits are available from the marina office.
33. Purpose of the plan
The purpose of this emergency response pion is to ensure a prompt, effective response to any rnarina emergency which relates to safety of life, property and environmental protection. Professional help from emergency services should always be called immediately.
In the event of an emergency the primary consideration is for personal and public safety.
In case of fire or explosion, involved persons should be removed to safety and in the process; you should no! endanger your own safety.
In case of an accident, do not move the person unless the person is in continued danger.
If a person is in the water, you should throw any flotation devices or anything that floats. Life Rings are available on each Pier Bridge and the Fuel Jetty. Do not go into the wafer without some type of flotation that could support yourself and the person you are trying to help.
The secondary consideration is for protection of property. In case of fire or explosion, all surrounding movable property as boats, cars, trailers should be removed from the area. Do not impede access to emergency services.
The third consideration is for environmental protection. With any fire, explosion, sinking or accident there is usually a chance of some environmental pollution. Debris, oil, and fuel will drift free of the boat which should be removed from the water when possible. Oil booms and absorbent rags are stored in several locations throughout the marina including the Fuel Jetty and Boatyard.
34. In an emergency use the “RACE” principle…
Rescue or assist any persons in immediate danger
Alarm Raise the Alarm and follow your emergency procedures
Contain (in the case of a fire or spill)
Evacuate all nonessential personnel to the emergency evacuation meeting place
35. Emergency Contacts
Fire, Ambulance and Police: In an emergency, dial 111
Marina Security:
Marina Office: 09 200 2870
Auckland Council: 09 301 01 01
Harbour Master: 09 362 0397
Coastguard: 09 303 1303
36. Medical Emergency
In the event of a medical emergency Dial 111 and request an ambulance. Give the operator the location of the injured person and details of the injury. Stay on the line with the operator, do not hang up. Raise the alarm and advise the marina office as soon as practicable.
There is a Basic First Aid Kit located at the Marina Office. The contractor must also provide an appropriate First Aid Kit in each contractors’ motor vehicle sufficient for his/her employees and subcontractors whilst on marina property.
There is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) available onsite at the marina office.
Call: Dial 111
Pump: Position hands in the centre of the chest. Firmly push down five centimetres on the chest 30 times
Blow: Tilt head, lift chin, check breathing. Give two breaths. Continue with 30 pumps and two breaths until help arrives.
37. Spill Response
In the event of a spill your first consideration is the immediate safety of all people present in the area.
You must know the correct use and storage of all potentially hazardous products you bring onsite and understand what to do if a spill occurs.
Action to be taken in the event of a Spill:
Clear the area and call emergency services, then contain the spill but only if it is safe to do so.
- Control the Spill
- Stop or contain the source of the spill from entering the marina
- Shut off valves
- Turn off bilge pumps
- Plug the hole
- Roll the drum
- Contact the Marina Office
- Spill Kits are available onsite for minor spills
38. Fire Emergency
A fire in the marina will probably ruin your whole day. It is often one of those events that causes chaos, the magnitude of which will be proportional to the size of the fire. In the event of fire remember the following…
- Evacuate people from the area
- Call the Fire Service – Dial 111
- In general terms only if it is safe to do so:
- activate emergency stop (where fitted)
- switch off power to all equipment
- shut any isolation valves
- If a small fire, use your fire extinguisher – contain and extinguish the fire if it is safe to do so
- If a large fire, do not attempt to extinguish the fire – retreat to a safe distance
- If the fire involves a flammable gas or a compressed gas, apply water cooling if it is safe to do so
- Ensure someone is available to direct the Fire Service to the scene
38b. Fire on the Marina
- Raise the alarm
- Evacuate people from the area
- Dial 111 & request the Fire Service
- If time permits unplug the vessels shore power cable from the electrical supply
- If safe to do so use all available fire fighting equipment to combat the fire
- Secure burning boat to the marina with chain. Never cut a burning vessel adrift or attempt to tow it clear
- Remove adjacent boats to create a fire break
- Ensure the Fire Service have clear access, open pier gates, clear area around fire hydrants
38c. In the event of a Fire
- Raise the Alarm
- Evacuate the Building
- Do Not Use lifts
- Dial 111 & request the Fire Service
- Listen to the instructions of the Building Fire Warden (Yellow Jacket)
- Do not re-enter the building until advised it is safe to do so by the Fire Service
38d. Precautions in the event of a fire
- Do not endanger yourself
- Make sure you have an escape route
- Do not use water on petroleum or electrical fires
- Do not leave the site unattended if there is a risk of further outbreak
39. Storm event
Severe storms can pose serious risk to vessels in & out of the water. The key to protecting boats from threatening severe weather is good planning, preparation & timely action.
Preparing a boat for extreme weather means defending against wind, rain, waves & high water. Experience has shown that in the event of a major storm (or cyclone) passing a marina, the risk of storm damage and injury can be significantly reduced by early preventative action.
Reduce wind loadings to o minimum. Remove temporary larps, tents & all excess deck gear including dinghy’s, paddle boards, kayaks, lifebuoys, biminis, etc. and stow below.
Disconnect shore power leads and make safe. Listen lo and abide by the directions from marina staff.
40. Earthquake / Tsunami
In the event of an earthquake, keep calm, stay indoors where practical. Keep away from windows and heavy furniture.
Take cover – use a doorway or get under a strong table or other sturdy structure. Drop – Cover – Hold. Do not take cover under a boat stored on the boatyard.
If the earthquake is close a Tsunami may result, move to higher ground immediately.
The key factor for public safety when a Tsunami Warning is issued is to evacuate everyone to higher ground immediately. When a Tsunami Warning is issued …
- This means a dangerous Tsunami may have been generated and could be very close!
- Estimated times of wave arrival are given for selected coastal areas.
- If you feel a strong earthquake, evacuate to higher ground immediately! Do not wait for a formal warning to evacuate.
- Please take all warnings seriously , where possible turn on your radio & television & follow all instructions given by Civil Defence.
- Leave immediately if ordered to do so.
- Never stay at the water’s edge to watch a Tsunami, proceed to higher ground.
- Once in a safe area, do not return until advised it is safe to do so by Civil Defence.
- Beware of tidal surges which may continue after the event for several hours.
- Do not go into the water at any time.