There are two harmful pests on our doorstep that we are worried about.
- Exotic caulerpa is a harmful seaweed that has been found on the northern part of the island but as far as we know, is not in the southern side. We want to do everything to keep it away and to make sure that our boats are not spreading it.
- Mediterranean fanworm is prolific in parts of Auckland, and some is present in our marina – we don’t want boats leaving here and taking it (or pests similar to it) to places like the Poor Knights or eastern Coromandel.
Marine pests can travel from one place to another as biofouling (in the case of Mediterranean fanworm), and attached to our equipment (in the case of exotic caulerpa).
Over summer, Auckland Council will be inspecting boats and structures throughout the region to check for Level of Fouling and the presence of marine pests.
In Auckland, the rule is that our boats need to be clean at all times. This means no more than a light slime layer, and a small amount of macrofouling (but no pest species) – this will be Level of Foul (LOF)0, 1 or 2.
You can find out more about the LOF scale here.

Graphic / Auckland Council
If they do find that any of our boats exceed LOF2, they’ll be in touch requesting information about how and when the boat will be cleaned and if needed, antifouled.
Our tips:
1. Antifoul is still our best defence. Antifoul regularly and lift and clean your boat as soon as you approach or hit LOF2. We can recommend some great haulouts and contractors!
2. To protect water quality, in-water cleaning isn’t allowed in the marina. Please head to a haul out.
3. Get familiar with and follow all the rules about exotic caulerpa – in particular, avoid places where it has been found. Check all of your in water equipment for seaweed and dispose of any found on dry land.
For more info call into the marina office for your copy of the ‘Clean Boating in Auckland’ booklet or visit