waiheke island marina aerial visiting the marina peter rees
waiheke island marina aerial visiting the marina peter rees

Visiting the Marina

Experience a new way to explore Waiheke Island and the Hauraki Gulf

Sail away, or come and stay

From small to large boats, jet skis, kayaks and SUPs, we’ve got room for everyone. Detailed arrival instructions and vehicle entry requirements for all types of watercraft are set out below.

Usage rules

All persons wishing to enter Waiheke Marina by boat or other powered watercraft must:

  • Hold a berth licence or other similar right to enter and use the Marina; or
  • Have a confirmed reservation to tie-up in the Marina; or
  • Have notified the Marina office of their intention to enter the Marina (e.g., to access the bay, or use the public berth/pump out facility) by contacting Marina staff in advance or on VHF Channel 73 prior to entry.

No person may tie up to any Marina structures except with the permission of Waiheke Marina, and then only in strict accordance with the directions of Marina staff or any published guidelines.

Navigation Rules

All watercraft must adhere to the following navigation rules inside the Marina:
icon  knots
Max speed 5 knots
Obey the speed signs at all times
icon no sailing
No sailing
All movements under power only
icon no swimming
No fishing or swimming
This is to keep you and our marina safe
icon korora
Give way to Kororā
We are proud to be home to a thriving penguin population!
icon rules
Observe narrow channel rules
The Marina waterways are a Narrow Channel/Fairway per Maritime Rule Part 22.9

The following rules apply:

  • A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway must keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on its starboard side as is safe and practicable.
  • A vessel must not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within that channel or fairway.
  • Kayaks, SUPs, dinghies must not impede the passage of a larger vessel which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.
Learn More
Detailed arrival instructions
From small vessels to stand up paddleboards, we’ve got room for all.
Arriving by private boat to use the public berth / holding tank pump-out facility

If you are planning to use the public berth at the Marina to pick someone up, or drop someone off, proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, turn hard to starboard once through the main entrance and follow the inside of the main attenuator until you get to the public berth located at the end of J-Pier. See our Marina Maps for the location of the public berth.

If you are coming to Waiheke Marina to use the holding tank pump out facility, details of how to book to use this service can be found here.

All persons onboard boats visiting the Marina must review our Requirements for Entry by Visiting Vessels before entering Waiheke Marina.

Arriving by private boat to berth or tie-up in the Marina

If you are coming to berth or tie-up in Waiheke Marina, make sure you have first set up a customer account and booked a berth.

No un-booked/casual tie-ups are allowed, so please make sure you have reserved your spot before coming into the Marina. Contact our Berth Administrator, or after hours staff on 09 200 2870 or VHF Channel 73 if you have been unable to register before arrival, or it is an emergency.

All confirmed reservations will specify your berth location. Click here for a map showing the location of all berths.

  • B, C, D and E piers – proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, head for the port navigation marker once through the main entrance and into the north navigation channel once past F pier. The piers are labelled, as are the berth numbers on each side of the fairways.
  • G, H, I and J piers – proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, turn hard to starboard once through the main entrance and past the green navigation pile and follow the inside of the main attenuator (southern navigation channel) until you find your berth. The piers are labelled, as are the berth numbers on each side of the fairways.
  • F pier – proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, turn to starboard once through the main entrance. The F pier berths are directly in front of you and numbered 1 to 12 (from left to right).
  • Day berthage – proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, head for the port navigation marker and into the north navigation channel once past F pier. Proceed to your allocated pier head (B, C, D or E).

Once you have secured your vessel proceed immediately to the Marina Office to confirm your arrival or contact the Dockmaster on VHF Channel 73 or 09 200 2870.

If you have any difficulty in finding your berth, or tying-up, please contact the Dockmaster on VHF Channel 73 or 09 200 2870.

All persons onboard boats visiting the Marina must also review our Requirements for Berthing Vessels before entering Waiheke Marina.

Arriving by jet ski

If you are coming to Waiheke Marina by jet ski, make sure you have first set up a customer account and booked a tie-up.

No un-booked/casual tie-ups are allowed, so please make sure you have reserved your spot before coming into the Marina. Contact our Berth Administrator or after hours staff on 09 200 2870 if you have been unable to register before arrival, or it is an emergency.

All confirmed reservations will specify your tie-up location. Click here for a map showing the location of all tie-up berthage.

Proceed into the Marina observing all navigation signs, head for the port navigation marker and into the north navigation channel once past F pier. Proceed to your allocated location (Pier head B, C, D, E or the Office pier).

Once you have secured your jet-ski proceed immediately to the Marina Office to confirm your arrival.

If you have any difficulty in finding your berth, or tying-up, please contact the Dockmaster.

All jet skis navigating into and tying-up in Waiheke Marina, and persons using the Marina facilities, do so strictly on the condition that they comply with the Marina Rules (as applicable) while in the Marina. Any person found to be in breach of the Marina Rules will be asked to leave the Marina immediately.

Arriving by kayak or SUP

If you want to come to Waiheke Marina by Kayak or SUP, or explore its waterways by Kayak or SUP, you’re welcome to do so.

The quietest part of the Marina, where you are least likely to run into powered watercraft, is on the northern side closest to the beach. We recommend you enter the Marina close to the cliffs around the north end of the southwestern attenuator, proceed past the port navigation marker and head into the bay to the north of the pile moorings. From here you are free to explore. If you need a break for awhile, or want to visit the Marina Café and other facilities, feel free to head to the launch deck in front of the Marina Office pontoon, where you can temporarily tie-up.

If you want to Kayak/SUP along the inside of the southeastern attenuator (south navigation channel), that’s fine, but be very wary of boats coming and going as this is the main accessway to our public berth, and they have right of way.

We don’t allow Kayak/SUP entry into the Marina berth fairways, for health and safety reasons.

All Kayaks/SUPs navigating through or within Waiheke Marina and persons using the Marina facilities do so strictly on the condition that they will comply with the Marina Rules (as applicable) while in the Marina. Any person found to be in breach of the Marina Rules will be asked to leave the Marina immediately.